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- Master Planning Utilizing H2ONET Extended Period Simulation and Microsoft Access Generated Summary Reports
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1999
- Publisher: AWWA
In December 1996, the Las Vegas Valley Water District acquired a hydraulicmodeling software package called H2ONET for all of the District's distributionsystem modeling. This modeling consists of steady state analyses for maximum day,peak hour and fireflow analyses, and extended period simulations (EPS) for thedevelopment of operating strategies, evaluation of current system performance,analysis of emergency and planned shutdowns, and master planning. Due to thelarge quantity of data generated by this model, the need for detailed and concisesummary reports was crucial. Since H2ONET produces individual output summariesfor junctions, pipes, pumps, tanks and valves for each hour of the EPS, theindividual summaries could not be transferred as a single file into MicrosoftExcel where previously developed macros were used to produce comprehensive24-hour summaries for all elements of the model. Multiple methods were evaluatedfor resolving this issue. This paper discusses the chosen method in which a datapost processor is used to convert the flat file structure of the model outputinto a relational database format in Oracle. The database tables are then linkedto Microsoft Access where related tables and queries are utilized to producesummary reports. Includes figures, appendix.