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- Twist and Shout: Modifying Packaged Systems Through Interfaces
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1999
- Publisher: AWWA
In spite of the increased power and flexibility of modern programming languages,most water utilities buy packaged software for their large, enterpriseinformation systems: financial, customer information, supervisory control anddata acquisition, work management, laboratory information management system, andproject management. But even the best packaged software doesn't fully integratewith the business it serves. In the past, Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) hastried to compensate for the shortcomings of commercial systems by rewriting largeportions of the code in order to provide the needed functionality. This, however,resulted in a custom application set that only SPU could maintain or upgrade.Recently, SPU has implemented PSDI's Maximo work management system (WMS) toautomate and support field staff in the repair and maintenance of the Seattlewater system. As powerful as this system is, it does not fully implement SPU'svision of how work should be accomplished throughout the utility. This paperdiscusses how SPU has extended some key functionality to broaden its approach towork management without affecting the internal integrity of the Maximo software. Includes figures.
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