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- Statistical Analysis of IWRP Preferred Strategy
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1999
- Publisher: AWWA
The Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD), as well as other California watersuppliers, are facing the crucial question of whether there will be enough waterto satisfy future demand. To address potential water supply shortfall and toensure a reliable supply of high quality water through the year 2020, the SCVWDformulated the Integrated Water Resources Plan (IWRP) in March 1996. The IWRP'spreferred strategy includes four components: water banking; non-potablerecycling; demand management; and long-term water transfers. To gain a betterunderstanding of how the IWRP strategy will perform under future hydrologicalevents, SCVWD staff performed a statistical analysis of the likelihood of watershortages for three different demand levels. In order to estimate how often ashortage event may occur under the simulation model used in the IWRP analysis,the 75 years of historic hydrologic data used in the IWRP model was expanded to100,000 years by random selection. The data sequences selected included drier andwetter periods than have historically occurred. The statistical results forpredicted water supply shortages over this time period are presented in thisreport. Includes tables, figures, appendices.
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