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- Integrating Modelling, SCADA, GIS and Customer Systems to Improve Network Management
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2001
- Publisher: AWWA
This paper will give the user perspective on how geographic, customer, andsupervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) information can be practicallyintegrated with network modeling to enhance the management of water distributionsystems. By effectively utilizing information from these operational systemsimproved decisions can be made both on future asset planning to targetinvestment, and the day to day current operation of the network to achievestable, low cost supply. The paper gives practical examples on: the use ofintegrated geographic information system (GIS) and modeling packages to supportthe implementation of a major district metering program to reduce leakage, frominitial design to final commissioning; the analysis of customer information togeographically display consumers by type and usage to support risk assessments ofroutine maintenance on the distribution system and also how the same data can beused to highlight unbilled properties; the analysis of network repair,maintenance and burst activity, to target infrastructure renewal and pressuremanagement programs; the analysis of customer complaint data, linked withcalibrated all mains models to improve pressure and water quality management, andinfrastructure planning; and, progress on systems development work to furtherintegrate geographic, customer, SCADA, and modeling information for improvedon-line decision support and off line planning. Includes figures.