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- 3D Design - Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Business
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2001
- Publisher: AWWA
Computer aided design (CAD) has been used in the design of municipal water and wastewaterprojects for well over a decade. During this same time period the computer industry has seenseveral generations of technology improvements and advancements in both hardware andsoftware. While 3D design and computer modeling has become common in most otherindustries, the majority of CAD technology used on municipal projects today are still usedprimarily as 2D electronic drafting boards. A study conducted by Montgomery Watson showedthat 80% of all engineering firms currently doing work in the US are using CAD only for 2Ddrawing production. Although 3D modeling has gained wide acceptance in feasibility studies,conceptual design and visual impact analysis, application of the more advanced 3D designapplications has only seen limited use in the final design of treatment facilities and conveyancesystems. This paper will examine the use of modern 3D facilities design technology and how itcan benefit the design, construction, and operation of municipal water and wastewater facilities.It will look at a recent design project for a membrane water treatment plant project and willfollow the development of our firm's experience in implementing 3D computer modeling as aviable design approach.
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