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- Crisis Event Flow and Contamination Modelling with Limited Data
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 04/18/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
The development of a new network-modelling methodology to analyze the contamination of awater distribution system on the basis of incomplete information, during a crisis when time iscritical, is described in this paper. Currently, traditional network models and network solvers havesubstantial data requirements, including full knowledge of nodal demands and hydrauliccharacteristics of all components (pipes, pumps, etc.). This knowledge, especially the realtimedemands, is essentially unavailable in real-time during a crisis and, consequently, thereexists a gap between real-time response and the hydraulic analysis of the water distributionnetwork. The TIme-Critical Network (TICN) modelling approach bridges this gap, requiringfew assumptions about the hydraulic characteristics of the network, or knowledge of thedemands. The approach uses limited real-time data, possibly available on-line from theSCADA system, to make rapid assessments of current and future contaminant spread, oridentification of likely sources of the contamination. The developed paradigm is applied to anexample of a water distribution network. Includes 7 references, tables, figures.
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