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- A State-of-the-Art Joint Optimization Study for the City of Toronto and Region of York
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 04/18/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
The question of how best to meet near-term and long-term future demands under differentconservation and demand assumptions led the City of Toronto and Region of York toformulate a new study of supply options and infrastructure needs. The study was called theJoint Optimization Study (JOS). The JOS was undertaken to first determine projectedwater demands for Toronto and York Region for years 2011 and 2031, and then to identifythe infrastructure required in each service area to meet their respective demands in the mostcost-effective manner. In addition, the optimal supply mix from the Toronto treatmentplants to York Region and from another external source was also to be determined. Toronto and York Region separated the JOS into two distinct phases. First, a leadconsultant was selected to update and combine the individual hydraulic models of Torontoand York Region into a single, area-wide extended period simulation (EPS) model. Theselected consultant, Earth Tech (Canada), prepared an H2ONET EPS model for the existingsystem and then developed the required demand projections for years 2011 and 2031. EarthTech next assisted Toronto and York Region in selecting a specialized optimizationconsultant to work with the lead consultant to develop optimized infrastructure plans for anumber of different demand scenarios and water supply options. Optimatics/Frey wasselected as the optimization consultant and applied its Optimatics GA optimization programto the various joint Toronto-York Region maximum day EPS models to minimize systemlife-cycle costs. Includes 6 references, tables, figures.