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- Hennet Historian: Pathway to a New SCADA System
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines the City of Henderson's (Nevada) Hennet Historian Project as a foundation for a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) replacement project. Hennet Historian Project history:current system is DEC VAX SCADAsystem implemented in 1992;historian module never met the City'sneeds;Need: Historian that can turn theSCADA data into useful informationand utilize current technology;Windows, Crystal Reports, etc.; Developed in-house Oracle basedapplication as work around in 2002; Strategy: Use Historian project asfoundation for a SCADA replacementproject;Lower maintenance and support time forin-house application;As opposed to our LIMS project we hadone vendor we wished to "road test";Current project kicked off in June2004; and,Project management: charter, WBS, risk analysis,regular status meetings. Proof of Concept:Utilized for our LaboratoryInformation System Project;Given limited organizational scope,SCADA system primarily used in onedivision, supported by one section,similar to LIMS situation, decidedcould use this method; and,Lower risk of a sole sourceprocurement. Further topics outlined in the presentation include: Proof-of-Concept Phases, system parameters, status, benefits, considerations, and conclusions.