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- It Strategic Plan Provided Direction, Organizational Alignment and Tangible Results
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
Greater Cincinnati Water Works (GCWW) is one of a number of departments thatdeliver services for the City of Cincinnati, Ohio. GCWW has seven Divisions, includingBusiness Services, Commercial Services, Distribution, Engineering, Fleet, Supply, andWater Quality and Treatment. GCWW is an enterprise fund in the City of Cincinnati.Upon completing their previous IT plan, GCWW saw the need to develop a new directionfor the next several years based on their business requirements and strategic businessdirection. The resulting Information Technology Strategic Plan (ITSP) provides therecommended direction for key applications, as well as organizational recommendations,and a variety of tactical recommendations. The recommendations are based onGCWW's business and organizational priorities. The roadmap includes recommendedinvestment levels, timelines, key milestones, goals, and recommendations impacts.IT staff, business users and the GCWW leadership team were actively involved in theproject; they have very strong ownership in the plan and are actively in the process ofcarrying out the recommendations. Key project activities included IT "Roundtable"meetings, focus groups, data quality analysis, and assessments of IT business practicesand the IT governance structure.The plan was completed in 2005; GCWW is actively carrying out the plan.This presentation will address:why GCWW undertook this IT strategic planning project;project goals;how they approached the project;key recommendations;key issues that were addressed during the project; and,results and benefits to date. Includes abstract only.
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