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- Future Shock: Preparing for the Coming Productivity Revolution in Customer Service
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines methods utilities will have to use to prepare for a coming productivity revolution in customer service. Factors driving this revolution include: less resources available; financial clouds;tremendous potential in technology toenhance service and improve productivity; and,privatization and outsourcing. Water utilities will be forced todo more with less due to factors that include:demands for capital for infrastructure,security, water quality regulations, etc.;potentially lower revenues in a slowing/inflating economy;changing demographics will cause lower tax revenuesfrom retirees, greater demand for services;multi-cultural requirements;potential pension crises for some cities;tightening labor pool; and, unpopularrate increases. The presentation lists elements of a technology foundation needed for majorproductivity improvement that include:communications bandwidthand universal availability;data storage;geo-positioning; Internet;"Server-less" software;distributed computing;Protocols: electronicpayment, data exchange, etc. Further topics outlined include: call center operations revolutionized by technology; automatic meter reading; Customer Information (Billing)Systems will support self-service; much of the customerservice functions will become self-service and increasingly outsourced or privatized; three scenarios for Future WaterUtility Customer Service are outlined - traditional (status quo) approach, privatization/outsourcing approach, and automation approach; the changing nature of customer satisfaction; and, a customer service strategic plan that will prepare for the coming wave. Includes figures.
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