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- Using New Technology to Optimize Management of Cast Iron Pipe Assets
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
In 1985, a total of 1,600 water main breaks were recorded on Edmonton, Alberta's758 miles of cast iron pipe resulting in significant inconvenience to manycustomers and high maintenance costs. At that time, a Cast Iron Water MainReplacement program was initiated. By the end of 1997, the annual number of watermain breaks had decreased to 489 on a cast iron distribution system length ofapproximately 544 miles. In the early 1990s, the water utility began the shiftfrom a reactive to a proactive approach to managing the remaining cast iron pipenetwork. While continuing to replace pipe, alternative technologies such ascathodic protection are now applied to some pipe to reduce the rate ofdeterioration. Non-destructive testing using the Hydroscope tool for theevaluation of pipe wall condition is also utilized by the utility. Hydroscopeprovides information on the pipe wall condition and improves the reliability ofdecisions made in the management of the cast iron infrastructure. This paperdiscusses Edmonton's use of these new technologies to optimize the management ofcast iron pipes. Includes 10 references, figures.
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