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- Forecasting Outcomes Versus Costs in Replacement Strategies for Cast Iron Water Mains
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
This paper discusses the Minimum Expected Economic Loss model whichprovides a framework for analyzing the repairand replacement of deteriorating cast iron water mains in a water distribution system. Thesegment level analysis determines the break number after which replacement of the segmentresults in the minimum economic loss. This determination is based on break histories, repaircosts, replacement costs, and choices for discount rate and for the maximum number of breaksbefore a water main is deemed eligible for replacement. The network level analysis uses theseresults to forecast replacement funding needs. Choices for replacement funding strategiesand backlog priorities are applied at the network level to develop a plan for dealing with anybacklog. The result is a long-term forecast of expenditures on replacement, expenditures onemergency repairs, and outcomes for customers. The model is used to analyze five options interms of outcomes for customers versus costs to consumers. Includes 4 references, table, figures.
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