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- Evaluating the Condition of Existing Water Mains
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
With our infrastructure deteriorating at an ever accelerating pace,municipalities are faced with the financial burden of replacing pipelines. Theestablishment of priorities for replacement considers the critical nature of thepipeline, the risk associated with failures and the age of the pipeline.Technology is available to provide the operator with useful data that assists inthe decision making process. This paper will cover methods that are availablethat assist the operator in assessing the condition of the pipeline, quantifyingthe remaining life and the likelihood of corrosion failures. Specific pipelineassessment techniques such as lose interval potential surveys, direct currentvoltage gradient evaluation, acoustical monitoring, stray current evaluation andsoil assessment will be discussed. The applicability of these assessmenttechniques in the evaluation of steel, cast and ductile iron and reinforcedconcrete pipelines will be covered. As an alternate to immediate pipelinereplacement for some pipelines, corrosion control methods that can be applied toexisting steel, cast and ductile iron, and reinforced concrete pipelines will bediscussed. The application of corrosion control enables the pipeline operator toextend a pipeline's operational life and to delay or eliminate the cost ofpipeline replacement. Corrosion control options extend from complete cathodicprotection to "hot spot" cathodic protection, pipe lining, stray currentmitigation systems and corrosion monitoring systems. Case histories will bediscussed describing methodologies currently being used by several municipalitiesin implementing corrosion control technology. Includes tables.