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- A Model for Evaluating Water Treatment Plant Infrastructure: The Philadelphia Story
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
The need to comply with provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act has compelled the waterindustry to spend millions of dollars on treatment system optimization, high-tech process controlequipment, and public information programs. Too often, this has drained capital budgets to the pointwhere little funding is left for maintenance or restoration of existing facilities. Water treatmentplant managers are faced with balancing the need for regulatory compliance against the decay of theinfrastructure needed to collect, treat, and deliver water to their customers. This paper presents the methodology implemented by the Philadelphia Water Department, undertheir Capital Facilities Assessment Program, to address these infrastructure concerns. A model wasdeveloped to assess the current condition of the infrastructure at the 140 million gallons per day Queen Lane WaterTreatment Plant. A baseline condition evaluation was performed on key piping systems, majorstructural steel and concrete systems, concrete joints, and pipe support structures, to identify existingproblems and determine remaining useful life. A framework was developed to: identify whichinfrastructure elements were to be rehabilitated or replaced; identify feasible, alternativerepair/replacement solutions; create a weighted set of criteria against which to evaluate thevarious solutions; and perform initial and final alternative screenings to determine the most costeffective repair techniques. The model was tailored to achieve specific objectives with regard tocost, reliability and impact to plant operations. Includes figures.
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