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- The Role of GIS in Asset Management
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2001
- Publisher: AWWA
The East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) is a publicly owned waterdistrict serving over 1.2 million customers in the San Francisco Bay Area. EBMUDis based out of Oakland, California, and provides water service to 20incorporated cities and 16 unincorporated communities in Alameda and Contra CostaCounties. The distribution system includes approximately 4,000 miles of watermains, 6 water treatment plants, 216 reservoirs/tanks, 143 pumping plants, 100regulators and rate control stations in 122 pressure zones. Most of the waterthat supplies the EBMUD service area comes from the Mokelumne River, whichcollects the winter runoff from the Sierra Mountains. There are also 5 terminalreservoirs located within the EBMUD service boundary that supplement waterdemands in the EBMUD service area. The East Bay Municipal Utility District isutilizing Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology to identify thebackbone and critical facilities in EBMUD's water distribution system, and thenusing this information to prioritize and coordinate capital projects anddistribution system maintenance programs. This paper discusses the role of GIS inasset management at EBMUD. Includes figures.