• AWWA INF53974
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  • Corrosion and its Control on Ductile Iron Pipe
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2001
  • Publisher: AWWA


With an increasing emphasis on the viability of the infrastructure, one of themore important ways to help ensure that underground piping systems perform up toand beyond their design lives is to address corrosion. From a strategicstandpoint, it is an extremely important issue that can be complicated andcontroversial. Many methods are used to mitigate, some of which are effective,some not. The decisions made on how to address corrosion should factor the costof the method, its effectiveness, operation and maintenance and the impact theywill have on those that follow today's decision makers. This paper will attemptto simplify the issue by discussing corrosion and its control as it relates toductile iron pipe. It will present an economical and effective solution thatdoesn't just mitigate corrosion today. It provides a system that considers theutility engineers, managers and maintenance personnel of the foreseeable futureby providing them with a system that is more routinely maintained.

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