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- Full-Scale Implementation of Cathodic Protection on Metallic Watermains
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2001
- Publisher: AWWA
In 1996, the City of Winnipeg initiated a study to determinethe cost-effectiveness and practicability of external corrosion control formetallic water mains under Winnipeg conditions. The 1996 study concluded thatcathodic protection, and specifically the use of distributed sacrificial anodes,was a cost-effective solution for management of Winnipeg's metallic water mains.Subsequently, in 1998, the City of Winnipeg initiated a study to optimize designspecifications and construction procedures, and to develop a long-term strategyfor cathodic protection of metallic water mains. Two cathodic protection pilotprojects were initiated in summer of 1999 and successfully completed in the fallof the same year. Subsequent electrical monitoring in the spring of 2000 verifiedthat the installed systems were functioning as designed and achieving fullcathodic protection in accordance with NACE Recommended Practices. Ongoingmonitoring of the protected areas is being undertaken to track the electricalperformance of the system and its effectiveness on reducing leaks due to externalcorrosion. This paper discusses the methods, results and recommended follow-upprograms for long-term management of metallic water mains in Winnipeg. Includes 39 references, figures.