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- Journal AWWA - Evaluating NF for DBP Control with the RBSMT
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 03/01/1995
- Publisher: AWWA
At the center of the rapid bench-scale membrane test (RBSMT) is a tangential-flow flat-sheet cell with recycle, which represents a differential element of a full-scale spiral-wound nanofiltration element treating the average feed for a full-scale system. The RBSMT incorporates operational parameters, such as recovery, pressure, crossflow velocity, and hydraulic conditions that approximate field-scale operation. Four conventionally treated surface waters and one untreated groundwater were evaluated using the RBSMT. All of the waters tested would meet the Stage 1 requirements of the Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproduct Rule after nanofiltration, and the four surface waters would satisfy the Stage 2 requirements. Includes 22 references, tables, figures.
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