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- Journal AWWA - AOP/Biofilm Processes for DOX Precursors
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 10/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
Batch and continuous-flow, bench-scale experiments were performed to assess theperformance of two advanced oxidation processes in combination with subsequentbiodegradation for the removal of total organic carbon (TOC) and disinfectionbyproduct (DBP) precursors, as characterized by dissolved organic halogenformation potential (DOXFP). Ozone-hydrogen peroxide (O3-H2O2) andultraviolet-hydrogen peroxide (UV-H2O2) were studied over a range of oxidationconditions for their ability to promote TOC and DOXFP removal in a subsequentbiodegradation step. For the two waters studied, f rom Lake Austin and LakeHouston in Texas, the addition of H2O2 did not enhance performance afterbiodegradation relative to O3 alone, indicating that O3-H2O2 oxidation is notworthwhile in waters of this type, i.e., those with low specific UV absorbance.UV-H2O2-biodegradation performed comparably to O3-biodegradation, which suggestsit is an alternative technology that may be worth considering for DBP precursorremoval, especially for utilities that are interested in avoiding the operationalcomplexities of ozonation. Includes 23 references, tables, figures.
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