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- Journal AWWA - Comparing Cryptosporidium and MS2 Bioassays -- Implications for UV Reactor Validation
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 02/01/2002
- Publisher: AWWA
Using and selecting microbial surrogatesto validate ultraviolet (UV)reactor performance can be a challengingprospect. Water suppliersmust recognize both the importance of therelative UV dose-response of the surrogateand target organism and the limitationsinherent in using surrogates.This study set out to improve the industry'sunderstanding of how MS2 coliphagecan be used as a bioassay surrogate for thewaterborne pathogen Cryptosporidiumparvum. Side-by-side MS2 andCryptosporidium bioassays were performedto directly link MS2 and Cryptosporidiuminactivation. Although MS2 proved to be areasonable test organism to validate UVreactor performance, it provided a veryconservative estimate of the inactivationthat can be achieved with organisms thatare very sensitive to UV, such asCryptosporidium. A more-sensitive testorganism would allow much higher levels ofinactivation to be validated. Water utilitiesshould carefully consider how conservativetheir test pathogens must be to meet healthprotection goals in the most cost-effectivemanner. Includes 9 references, tables, figures.
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