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- Journal AWWA - Movement of Atrazine and Deethylatrazine through a Midwestern Reservoir
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2002
- Publisher: AWWA
The three-dimensional visualization of atrazine and deethylatrazine in a reservoir wasdetermined by five "snapshots" over a one-year period using immunoassay analyses, confirmedby gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and visualized with a three-dimensional computerprogram. The surveys were conducted in Perry Lake in Kansas and showed that spring runoffladen with triazine herbicides entered the reservoir and did not mix immediately. Concentrationsvaried threefold between the inlet and the public water supply intakes located at the oppositeend of the reservoir. The concentration range in the outflow varied much less than theconcentration in the reservoir because of mixing throughout the season near the dam andoutflow. A major conclusion from the study was that multiple analyses by a low-costimmunoassay technique coupled with computer visualization software gave a good three-dimensionalview of the mass of herbicide present in a drinking water reservoir. Includes 33 references, table, figures.
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