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- Journal AWWA - Survey of DOC and UV Measurement Practices with Implications for SUVA Determination
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 12/01/2002
- Publisher: AWWA
As these authors indicate, there are some misconceptions inthe drinking water industry about exactly what specificultraviolet absorbance (SUVA) is and how it should be measured.This article presents the results of a survey conducted todetermine practices currently being utilized by drinking waterpractitioners and researchers to measure dissolved organic carbon(DOC) concentrations and ultraviolet (UV) absorbances that arealso used for determining SUVA. The survey is part of a researchproject sponsored by the AWWA Research Foundation that willattempt to identify key factors affecting accurate SUVA determinationsand propose a unified protocol.The survey found that the majority of the 138 respondents arefollowing the current requirements for measuring DOC and UV setforth in Standard Methods and the standards imposed under theDisinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts Rule (D/DBPR). It doesappear, however, that some inconsistencies between StandardMethods and the D/DBPR create confusion, particularly in theareas of filter selection, filter cleaning, and sample filtration. Thisarticle will give practitioners and researchers an opportunity toevaluate their procedures for measuring DOC and UV, and itidentifies areas that need further research before a unified protocolfor SUVA determination is developed. Includes 22 references, figures.
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