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- Journal AWWA - Development of a Strategic Plan: Portfolio Management for Public Utilities
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
This article provides utility managers with guidanceto be used in developing strategic planningprocesses that can be integrated in a utility'sannual planning cycle. The processes discussed willalso help define strategies that are useful in a rapidlychanging and highly competitive market.Traditionally, water utilities have struggled to adaptto a competitive market, missing opportunities toexpand their purview, opting instead to preserve thestatus quo. This article provides a step-by-step methodologyfor managers to use to develop a more active,entrepreneurial approach to utility management andevolve their planning processes to embrace a moremarket- and customer-focused approach to servicedelivery. The authors discuss how strategic planningcan be readily integrated into annual planningprocesses and how a portfolio management approachprovides for evaluation of strategic investments andrisk management. They also point out the fact thatstrategic planning is an evolutionary process. Includes 2 references, figures.