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- Journal AWWA - Approaching DBP Toxicity as a Mixtures Problem
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
Epidemiologic data suggest some associationsbetween disinfection byproduct (DBP) exposureand human health risk. However, animal toxicologydata show effects only at DBP doses considerablyhigher than environmental concentrations. This may bebecause human exposure to DBPs is typically at lowlevels. The major health risk posed by DBPs is likely tobe caused by multiple, rather than single, exposures.Thus, DBP health effects and risk assessment cannot befully characterized by single-chemical toxicology studiesbut are more appropriately addressed by research onDBP mixtures. This article outlines a structuredapproach to health-based research on DBP mixtures.Assessment guidance would stem from available data inthree areas: the complex mixture of concern, a sufficientlysimilar mixture, and data based on componentsand interactions. Accurate evaluation of the humanhealth risks associated with DBP mixtures can beachieved only through well-planned, structured experimentsthat are designed to address specific risk assessmentissues, efficiently use resources, and are coordinatedby a multidisciplinary team of scientists. Validhealth-based information on DBP mixtures provided towater suppliers will improve assessments of drinkingwater quality and help utilities choose among treatmentalternatives. Includes 43 references, figure.
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