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- Journal AWWA - Cost Savings and Enhanced Reliability for Main Rehabilitation and Replacement
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 08/01/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
Water utilities across the United States anticipate a growingneed to rehabilitate and replace aging water mainsbecause of a convergence of pipe life spans. Shortfalls infunding for this activity will contribute to an estimated waterinfrastructure funding gap of $480 billion over the next 20 years.The city of San Diego (California) Water Department (SDW) undertookthis pilot study to determine whether significant cost savingscould be achieved in its rehabilitation and replacement (R&R)program by using genetic algorithm (GA) optimization.Wilson and colleagues discuss how the use of GAoptimization will save SDW millions of dollars compared withsimulation trial and error. During this study, the GA evaluatedmillions of trial solutions to develop low-cost alternativesthat met all of the design and emergency criteria specifiedby SDW. The GA identified a near-optimal mix of new pipeand R&R choices that were not only low cost but also redundantand reliable in the event of a source outage or amain break. Includes 11 references, figures.
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