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- Journal AWWA - Formation of NDMA in Chloraminated Water Coagulated with DADMAC Cationic Polymer
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 09/01/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a new disinfection byproduct(DBP) issue, and a particularly important one,because it affects chloramination, one of the principlemeans water utilities have for addressing other DBPs. This articleshows how cationic polymers, widely used for coagulation, arealso a source of trace levels of NDMA, which is formed whenwater treated with the polymer is chloraminated. The authorsundertook this study because of elevated and variable levels ofNDMA measured in a large distribution system. No previoussimilar cases were reported, and a comprehensive study wasconducted to determine the sources of NDMA.This is a new field of investigations and will likely result inmore studies and eventually the establishment of guidelines forapplication of organic polymers in drinking water. Water utilitiescan use the information in this article to minimize NDMA formationin chloraminated water systems that use cationic organicpolymers to aid coagulation. The findings may also lead to morestringent treatment of filter backwash recycle streams. Includes 24 references, tables, figures.
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