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- Journal AWWA - Enhanced Softening: Effects of Lime Dose and Chemical Additions
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
The removal of natural organic matter (NOM) is aprimary concern for the drinking water industry,but little attention has been paid to the practice ofenhanced softening, its benefits, and associated challenges.Additionally, no previous reports had includedthe effects of softening on the formation of disinfectionbyproducts. This article provides utilities that use softeningwith a blueprint for studying how their own operationsmight be altered to achieve better NOM removalsand reduced disinfection byproduct formationUtilities that use softening will be interested inthe study results describing removal of NOM insoftening, as well as the effects of silica on softeningand NOM removal and the effects of bromide on thespeciation of trihalomethanes. The authors alsodiscuss how enhanced softening may be able toachieve the US Environmental Protection Agency'srequirements for removal of NOM without completeprecipitation of magnesium hydroxide [Mg(OH)<sub>2</sub>].Although Mg(OH)<sub>2</sub> is a more efficient adsorbent ofNOM, calcium carbonate, which precipitates atlower pH and therefore requires lower lime dosagein softening, is also capable of substantial NOMremoval. Includes 20 references, tables, figures.