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- Journal AWWA - As(III) Oxidation Using Chemical and Solid-Phase Oxidants
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
This article is a comprehensive study of the effectivenessof several arsenic (As) oxidizing agents andwill be of use to utilities needing to oxidize arsenite[As(III)] before removal. As(III) is a form of Aspoorly removed by most removal technologies, but canbe efficiently removed using common oxidants such aschlorine, permanganate, and ozone.The authors undertook this research in responseto an acute lack of information on the effectivenessof commonly used oxidants under various environmentalconditions for As(III) oxidation. Thisresearch may help utilities meet regulatory compliancefor arsenic by converting As(III)-contaminatedwaters to a form readily removed by most treatmenttechnologies. Utilities can directly apply the informationin this article by choosing an appropriateoxidant based on the composition of their sourcewater. Includes 20 references, tables, figures.
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