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- Journal AWWA - Effect of Washwater Chemistry and Delayed Start on Filter Ripening
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
Backwash water chemistry can have significantdetrimental effects on filtered water quality undersome circumstances. Water utilities experiencingadverse backwash water chemistry can significantlyimprove water quality, protect public health, and helpensure regulatory compliance by applying the informationset forth in this article.Depending on the treatment conditions, delayed startand backwash water chemistry can range from playing alarge role to having no effect on filtered water quality.Indeed, delayed start has been known to work well atsome locations and not at others. In this article, theauthors explain the details of why this technique may ormay not be effective and how to evaluate what methodsare most effective at a particular facility. Using thisarticle's insights, some water suppliers will be able tomake minor operational changes that will significantlyimprove filtered water quality at their facilities. Includes 27 references, figures.