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- Journal AWWA - Preserving Sustainable Water Supplies for Future Generations
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 07/01/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
Sustainability of the planet's water resources shouldalways be a consideration when a water supply plan isdeveloped. Demand for water is increasing and newsupplies are becoming scarce creating an increasinglyurgent need to view water in an integrated, holisticmanner. From this perspective, wastewater issues alsobecome water supply issues.In this article the authors present results of theirstudy, undertaken to raise awareness of sustainabilityissues and their applicability to water suppliers.The article discusses how water utilities shouldlead efforts to address sustainability issues andemphasizes that water suppliers must take an activerole in managing water resources. Additionally, theauthors discuss why water suppliers must increasetheir awareness of the scientific as well as practicalissues associated with their water supplyoperations. Includes 19 references.
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