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- Journal AWWA - Have Utilities Switched to Chloramines?
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 10/01/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
Secondary disinfection practices of water utilities, particularlythe use of chloramines, are at the center of severalnational drinking water policy discussions. As a response to thisongoing dialogue, AWWA commissioned the Secondary DisinfectionPractices Survey -- a web-based survey of water utilities -- to determine the percentage of utilities currently usingchloramines and those intending to convert to the use of chloraminesin the future. Results of the survey indicate 68% ofutilities currently use chlorine for secondary disinfection, 29%use chloramines, and 3% use no secondary disinfectant. Theresults of this survey serve to inform national drinking waterpolicy discussions (i.e., the Stage 2 Disinfectants/DisinfectionByproducts Rule) and to support the continued increase in theuse of chloramines. Includes 5 references, 7 tables, 7 figures.
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