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- Journal AWWA - Asset Management Planning and Reporting Options for Water Utilities
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
Industry studies in recent years have raised awarenessof the magnitude of asset renewal and replacementneeds in the water industry, but little comparativework has been done on asset management. Tohelp fill this gap, the Awwa Research Foundationsponsored the study summarized in this article. Thefull study forms a "casebook" of comparative assetmanagement options.Eleven utilities of diverse sizes, asset ages, availabilityof automated information, and engagement in assetmanagement worked with the project team to test andevaluate three levels of asset management planning:basic, high-end, and strategic.The study results showed that even a basic assetmanagement option has considerable value for a waterutility. More advanced and strategic options requiresignificant additional investment, but 80% of the utilitiesthat participated in this project found the benefitsto outweigh the costs and plan to implement programsthat emulate these options. Includes 12 references, figures.
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