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- Journal AWWA - Smart Water Application Technology: A Water Utility/Irrigation Industry Partnership
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 02/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
The demand management potential of efficient irrigationtechnology is enormous, and utility managers are realizing thatforming partnerships with the landscaping and irrigation industriescan help manage water distribution systems with mutualbenefits. This article outlines the development of protocols fortesting the efficiency of new irrigation technologies under avolunteer initiative called "Smart Water Application Technology."Sponsored by the Irrigation Association, the initiative has resultedin an accurate, science-based performance assessment processfor "smart" controllers, as well as a robust educational campaign.The purpose of this paper is to help educate water utilityprofessionals about the management potential of efficient irrigationtechnology and highlight the importance of conducting efficiencytesting on new technologies. The secondary purpose is toencourage partnerships between water utilities and the irrigationindustry in water resource management. Includes 7 references.
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