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- Journal AWWA - AWWA Publishing Evolves in Dynamic Digital Age
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
This article discusses the challenges of the new era of the Information Age and how the Internet has impacted the publishing business. The article discusses publishing highlights of the individual AWWA publications such as Journal AWWA, MainStream, Opflow, Waterweek, books and media, and how AWWA has worked to keep its members informed using the latest in publishing technology at a pace that is in keeping with members' needs. The article discusses Waternet, AWWA's bibliographic database and storehouse of AWWA intellectual property and how it has recently been used as the basis of the AWWA Water Library, a web technology that will allow users to search for information electronically. Present day publishing challenges, publishing trends, future publishing issues, and AWWA's role as information provider are all discussed.
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