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- Journal AWWA - Using the Theory of Constraints to Focus Organizational Improvement Efforts: Part 2 - Determining and Implementing the Solution
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 08/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
The theory of constraints (TOC) features powerfullogic tools to help managers create and implementchanges to eliminate obstacles to improving system performance.Most often applied to managerial challengesin the private sector, TOC was recently used by managersat the Albuquerque (N.M.) Water Utility Divisionto facilitate continuous improvement within the maintenancesystem. This article, the second in a two-partseries, describes how TOC methods were used to zero-inon operational problems, identify their root causes, anddevelop proactive solutions. Although only some of thestrategies developed by the Albuquerque team have beenput into operation, preliminary results are positive.The essence of management is the determination andimplementation of organizational change. As this studydemonstrates, managers need to be aware of the majorrole played by operational policies, their existingapplicability, and current interpretation because theapplication of existing policies is often the key elementlimiting performance. Includes 5 references, table, figures.