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- Journal AWWA - Santa Clara Valley's Operations Council on Excellence Provides Vision Necessary for Success
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 09/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
In response to the Santa Clara Valley Water District(SCVWD) chief-executive officer's vision for a"cleaner, greener, and leaner" organization, the waterutility operations division of SCVWD formed the OperationsCouncil on Excellence (OCE). The OCE is anexpanded management team that brings together supervisorsand managers to better understand the district'sbusiness climate and challenges, to control operatingcosts and, thus, water rate increases. Since it's inceptionin 2004, the OCE has developed and implemented costsavings and process efficiencies, sought ways toimprove workforce deployment and flexibility, anddeveloped team identity and staff recognitionprograms. The success of this group has resulted in theimplementation of more than $700,000 in annual costsavings. Includes tables, figure.