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- Journal AWWA - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Successfully Integrates Field Operations By Managing Individual and Organizational Strengths
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 09/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
To optimize its field operations, the Charlotte-MecklenburgUtility Department (CMUD) merged its waterdistribution and wastewater collection work groups intoa single division. The success of this integration beganwith an understanding that it is critical to have the rightpeople, an organization's most valuable resource, inthe right roles. Performance at a level of excellence ispossible only when people are engaged and working inareas that suit their natural strengths. CMUD's challengewas to maximize the potential of its staff, to identifypotential leadership in the organization, and to create awork environment that employees do not want to leave.The key to CMUD's success was using a strengths-based approach to build an organization that facilitates managingthe organization's knowledge and resources for longtermsustainability. Includes figures.
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