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- Journal AWWA - Build or Buy? - The Answer Isn't So Simple Anymore
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
The decision of whether to develop a software applicationin-house or buy a commercially available softwarepackage is a common dilemma faced by informationtechnology (IT) professionals in the water andwastewater industries. The right choice has becomeeven more elusive with recent IT developments such asopen-source software (OSS) and application outsourcingoptions like pay-for-subscription products anddirect outsourcing of custom-built solutions. Applicationoutsourcing has dramatically reduced the overallcosts of developing software in recent years, and OSSapplications also have substantial advantages that areworth considering.This article explores the software implementationdecision process and the effect of OSS and applicationoutsourcing in the water and wastewater industries.There are pros and cons to the various solutions, whichis why, more than ever, a hybrid solution that combinesfeatures of both "build" and "buy" alternativesmay be the best course of action. Includes 3 references, figure.
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