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- Journal AWWA - Asset Management Too Complicated? Just Think About Your Car
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
The AWWA Water Utility Council commissioned astudy in 2005 to help utilities begin thinking about assetmanagement. The primary objectives of the study were toarticulate the need for infrastructure stewardship via assetmanagement and to help utilities convey this need to governingbodies, customers, and other stakeholders. Thisarticle is derived in part from the resulting report, WaterInfrastructure at a Turning Point: The Road to SustainableAsset Management, published by AWWA in 2006.The authors dispel the common barriers utilitiesface in starting an asset management program byrelating the principles of asset management to thefamiliar processes of maintaining a personal vehicle.Many people adopt intervention strategies to managethe economic life of their cars to get as muchvalue as possible out of them. These car managementstrategies are the same as those used in traditionalasset management. Includes 3 references, figures.