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- Journal AWWA - The Need for Comprehensive Transient Analysis of Distribution Systems
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
Many of the existing guidelines for surge analysisand design are overly simplified and inadequatelyaddress the complexity of transient phenomena. Thisarticle reviews several guidelines found in the literatureand systematically details how these rules break down.To demonstrate the limitations inherent in the rules,the authors also include case studies comparing a simplifiedanalysis with a comprehensive one.One of the challenges in managing distribution systemwater quality is safeguarding against contaminants thatcan intrude into pipes through leaks from reduced- ornegative-pressure transients. Simplified rules can lead toinaccurate results and insufficient surge protection. Watersuppliers need comprehensive surge analyses that accountfor specific system characteristics such as pipe connections,dead ends, and nonuniform pipelines as well ascomplex factors such as wave reflection. If the watercommunity is to continue providing safe drinking water,all of the conditions associated with transients must beconsidered in system design and operation. Includes 17 references, tables, figures.