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- Journal AWWA - Forest Management by West Coast Water Utilities: Protecting the Source?
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 02/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
Since passage of the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Actamendments, emphasis on source water protection forpublic drinking water supplies has steadily increased,and the effects on water quality from commercial loggingand forest road-building has been at the forefrontof concern for many water utility managers. Acquiringforested land is often viewed by water utility managersas one of the most effective ways to control water qualityin their watersheds. However, if water utilities seekto buy land or acquire conservation easements in theirforested watersheds to protect source water quality,then it is vital for them to consider how they managethis land once it is purchased.This article summarizes the key findings of aresearch project that analyzed forest managementpolicies and practices of 45 West Coast public waterutilities that own forested land in their source watersheds.The research includes three types of quantitativeanalysis and six case studies, which show thatpublic participation in watershed planning is criticalto the success of any source water protectionprogram. Includes 51 references, tables, figures.