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- Journal AWWA - A Methodology for Predicting Check Valve Slam
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
Check valve slam, a problem commonly associatedwith check valves, is often discovered during startup ofthe pump system, by which time it is too late to easilyovercome. An extensive program of valve flow testingconducted to develop profiles of slamming characteristicsfor various types of check valves is described.Research results led to a methodology designed to helpsystem designers predict and ultimately prevent checkvalve slam through selection of valves that are lessprone to slam and associated water hammer.Different check valves offer different advantagessuch as reduced cost, low head loss, or special flowcharacteristics. Ultimately, the best check valve is theone that meets the requirements of a particularinstallation or application. Consulting engineers andutilities alike can use the data that are provided inthis article, combined with field experience andother readily available information, to makeinformed choices and resolve check valveproblems. Includes 5 references, table, figures.