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- Journal AWWA - Development of an SPE/CE Method for Analyzing HAAs
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
The haloacetic acid (HAA) analysis methodsapproved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencyinvolve extraction and derivatization of HAAs (typicallyto their methyl ester form) and analysis by gas chromatography(GC) with electron capture detection (ECD).Concerns associated with these methods include the timeand effort of the derivatization process, use of potentiallyhazardous chemicals or conditions during methylation,poor recoveries because of low extraction efficiencies forsome HAAs or matrix effects from sulfate, and loss oftribromoacetic acid because of decarboxylation.The HAA analysis method introduced here usessolid-phase extraction (SPE) followed by capillaryelectrophoresis (CE) analysis. The method is accurate,reproducible, sensitive, relatively safe, and easyto perform, and avoids the use of large amounts ofsolvent for liquid-liquid extraction and thepotential hazards and hassles of derivatization. Thecost of analyzing HAAs using this method should belower than the currently approved methods, andutilities with a GC/ECD can perform the analysisin-house. Includes 43 references, tables, figures.
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