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- Journal AWWA - Using Spore Removal to Monitor Plant Performance for Cryptosporidium Removal
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
Monitoring removal of naturally occurring aerobicspores can serve as a surrogate for Cryptosporidiumremoval in drinking water treatment. However,because Cryptosporidium oocysts are removed moreefficiently than spores during treatment involving clarificationand filtration, spore removal monitoring providesa conservative estimate of the potential for Cryptosporidiumremoval in full-scale treatment processes.For example, facilities demonstrating spore removalsof 4 logs or greater likely are achieving much greaterCryptosporidium removals. The authors argue thatsuch facilities should be given a 1.5 credit above the 3credits allowed by the Long Term 2 Enhanced SurfaceWater Treatment Rule, for a total of 4.5 credits. Thiswould allow water providers to use the demonstrationof performance credit rather than relying solely on themore expensive, technology-intensive alternatives in theMicrobial Toolbox. Furthermore, spore monitoringoffers utilities a supplemental tool for evaluating andoptimizing their operations, the entire treatmentprocess (raw through filtration) as well as individualunit processes. Includes 24 references, tables, figures.
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