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- Journal AWWA - Future Shock in Customer Service
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 08/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
Some utilities still regard customer service as anadjunct, not a core, function. Although a water utility'scustomers are "captive," well-served customersgenerate the goodwill "reserve" against which the utilityborrows when it has to raise rates, pay competitivesalaries, site a new facility, or inconvenience customersin order to maintain the distribution system.In the future, water utility customer service operationswill be both highly automated and at least partiallyoutsourced. Customer service departments will consist ofcontract managers, technology specialists, and subjectmatter experts, and customers will be likely to use web- orphone-based self-service. Customer service will bemuch more capital-intensive rather than labor-intensive,and managing performance will be distinctly different.This article presents three customer service scenariosfor utility managers to consider, a "status quo"approach, automation, and outsourcing, to helpthem develop strategic plans to move their organizationsforward.
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