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- Journal AWWA - HAA Formation During Chloramination - Significance of Monochloramine's Direct Reaction with DOM
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 08/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
The literature reports significantly different patternsfor haloacetic acid (HAA) formation kinetics duringchloramination. This study systematically examines theroutes of HAA formation and elucidates the cause(s)behind the inconsistencies and discrepancies reportedfor HAA formation patterns.Until now, it has been generally accepted that freechlorine that formed as a result of monochloraminedecomposition was responsible for most of the HAAformation in chloraminated water. However, laboratoryexperiments conducted in this research indicatedthat the direct reaction of monochloraminewith dissolved organic matter plays the major role inHAA formation during chloramination. In addition,the authors showed that the use of ammonia chloride,which is recommended by the U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency as a quenching agent in method552.3, may lead to overestimations of HAA concentrationsin chloraminated water samples. Study findingsshould prove useful in devising HAA controlstrategies and developing mechanistic or empiricalmodels of HAA formation. Includes 41 references, tables, figures.
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