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- Journal AWWA - Relative Significance of Factors Influencing DXAA Formation During Chloramination
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 09/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This research elucidates the influence of naturalorganic matter (NOM) characteristics and reactivity,pH, chlorine-to-nitrogen ratio, disinfectant residualconcentration, and bromide concentration ondihaloacetic acid (DXAA) formation during chloraminationin several diverse water sources. Analysisof variance over a broad variety of experimentalconditions usually pointed to pH as being the mostsignificant factor in DXAA formation, followed bybromide concentration. A shift in speciation to thebromine-substituted species occurred as the bromideconcentration increased and the pH decreased. Temperatureand chloramine residual also affectedDXAA formation, but were much less influentialthan other factors.The effectiveness of treatment, which can have asignificant effect on DXAA formation, is largely relatedto overall DOC removal, although preferential removalof more-reactive NOM fractions also may contribute toreduction of DXAA formation. The conclusions of thisresearch will help utilities make more-informed decisionsregarding the control of disinfection byproductformation while maintaining disinfectionrequirements. Includes 26 references, tables, figures.
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