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- Journal AWWA - Lead Variability Testing in Seattle Public Schools
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 02/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
Following a lead remediation program in Seattle(Washington) Public Schools, a field testing program wasundertaken to assess the variability of lead at schooldrinking water sources. Results from 768 samples (384first-draw and 384 flushed samples) found that themean lead concentration was 3 µg/L, considerably lessthan the 21 µg/L measured before the remediation.The highest lead levels and greatest variability insampling results were observed for end-use plumbingthat contained standard brass components with~3-8% lead. Relatively low lead concentrations andsampling variability were observed for water sourceswith low-lead water fountains and plumbing components.Study results showed that implementation of a programinvolving replacement of end-use plumbing withnonleaded materials significantly reduced lead levels indrinking water sources within Seattle Public Schools.These findings also indicated that the likelihood of leadrelease in school drinking water fountains can beassessed on the basis of the characteristics of end-useplumbing configuration at each source. Includes 14 references, tables, figures.
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