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- Journal AWWA - Asbestos Analysis Case History: Surface Water Supplies in Southern California
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 09/01/1982
- Publisher: AWWA
In 1974, analyses for asbestos fibers were conducted on a one-time basis at the surface water supply reservoirs of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Although no asbestos fibers were found at that time, a further analysis in 1980 detected the presence of asbestos in the water supply that originates in Northern California. This paper presents the data from the initial and follow- up surveys (1980-1981) and identifies potential sources of the asbestos fibers, which include high background counts from erosion of serpentine minerals in the aqueduct watershed. Based on these studies, a program was initiated to remove asbestos-contaminated sediments from the bottom of the aqueduct. Includes 10 references, tables, figures.
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