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- Journal AWWA - An Analysis of Potential Costs for Small Community Cross-Connection Control
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 07/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
Cross-connection control and backflow preventionare not new concerns for water utilities. The USEnvironmental Protection Agency (USEPA) is consideringregulation of drinking water distribution systems,and one component of this regulation mayaddress cross-connection control programs. Anational regulation would potentially affect approximately60,000 US community water systems andnontransient-noncommunity water systems servingfewer than 10,000 people.The authors performed an analysis to assess thepotential cost of possible USEPA cross-connectioncontrol program requirements. Potential regulatoryprogram elements that could be expected as part of awater utility cross-connection control program wereidentified, and a methodology was developed to providea transparent technical analysis of cost factors.The methodology was applied to determine an order-of-magnitude total cost that could result from comprehensiveadoption of cross-connection control requirementsfor small community water systems. Insightsgained from this analysis are discussed to informassessment of national costs for future potential cross-connectioncontrol regulations. Includes 15 references, tables, figures.
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